Welcome Students! We’re So Glad You’re Here! Please Read These Messages From Teachers & Staff. Welcome back students! We are ready to improve the world! As we continue to navigate the disruptions and challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, I’d like to take a moment to express my gratitude for how our community has been responding, and to reflect on what guides our decision-making during this challenging time. I truly appreciate the hard work and ingenuity shown by our faculty and staff in recent weeks. They have worked tirelessly to develop and implement ways to support our students and help sustain their academic progress. I’d also like to thank our students for being flexible and patient under such stressful circumstances. And I am grateful to our alumni, who have been asking what they can do to help. We are all trying to make sense of this unprecedented situation. It is fluid, uncertain, unfair, and very demanding of us. It has taken away our ability to come together as learners, performers, audience members and fans. It has taken away opportunities to celebrate student achievement and success. As developments continue to unfold, we will remain vigilant and will respond to the best of our ability. And we will draw strength from the values that tell us who we are and what we stand for. I look forward to seeing you on campus again soon. In the meantime, we will get through this by working together, looking out for each other and lifting each other up. I am proud to be your president and to serve this great institution. Thank you.