The East African Christian College is an excellent choice to attain your business education and prepare for a successful career through the Faculty of Business Management and Economics (FBM&E).
The Faculty of Business Management and Economics is vibrant and currently offers one program at the undergraduate level in the Department of Monitoring and Evaluation by keeping line with challenges faced by the new business world, adhering to high standards of management education. Shortly the Faculty of Business Management and Economics will offer Banking and Insurance, Finance and Accounting programs at Undergraduate level and Postgraduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation at Postgraduate level.
Our staff are vibrant, passionate and hardworking people who dedicate their lives to excellence in learning, teaching and these will nurture professionals with international perspectives, who will work for the good of communities The Faculty of Business Management and Economics have opened our door to everyone who is academically motivated. At present, a large number of students from various countries are studying in our undergraduate program. Faculty of Business management and Economics will constantly update our educational system to cope with this dynamically changing economic environment and to meet with the various demands of society. We sincerely hope that many highly motivated students will be interested in what we are doing, and apply for the Faculty of Business Management and Economics at East African Christian College.
Dean of Faculty of Business Management & Economics
Phone: +250783783218
Eligible candidates to the program are required to meet all the criteria and general requirements specified in the EACC General academic regulations and Admission policies. The candidates must have studied and passed with two principal pass in the following: MEG, HEG, HEL, MPC, MCE, LEG, PCB, PCM, BCG, SSE, SME, ECE, ECLPE, or candidate that have done at least one of the following subjects: Accounting, Economics, and Entrepreneurship. The program is made of 490 credits covered at five levels in three (3) years of studies for the full time students. We offer the program for Day, Evening, and Weekend and in Service students.